Full moon forest therapy
A special sunset & night Forest therapy experience
May 14th, 6pm - 12am
More on the Flower Moon
May's flower moon got its name for obvious reasons — the amount of flowers that are present in May, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac. The almanac also reads, "'Flower Moon' has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
"This moon asks us to be vulnerable so we can become more intimate with ourselves and others. It’s an opportunity to make your way to the other side and continue to expand and evolve. The name of this moon is fitting, because every flower starts out as a seed, buried in the dark, damp soil. Nature knows that darkness has its purpose and will lead you to the light."
Astrologer Sofia Adler
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“The moon is magic for the soul and light for the senses.”
— Unknown
Just Love Forest Starscape
Photo of the night sky at Just Love. Come see incredible stars from Bhakti summit meadow during the summer months.