The view from Georgia’s only mountain-top memorial

A Returning to the Land.

We're grateful to announce the opening of our sacred space for green burial on the revered Bhakti Mountain, created for the Just Love community and their cherished animals. Come visit us in Poetry Georgia, just outside of Rome.

Our journey together is more than a final resting place. It is an opportunity to literally become the forest, surrounded by love and sacred rites that are unique to you.

Discover how we can support you through one of life's most significant transformations.

Be sure not to miss our next day to experience the green burial cemetery atop Bhakti Mountain, Sunday, June 23rd, as part of our “Becoming the Forest” day retreat.

Our Approach

Death traditionally was not merely an event but an integral part of life within a community.

We approach this as a journey that unfolds over time, interwoven with experiences, relationships, and the collective support of those who love and care for each other. This profound journey, transitioning from the physical body, was once deeply embedded in the fabric of communal living, acknowledging death as a pivotal, shared experience.

Today, we are reviving this understanding, emphasizing this transformation not as a singular moment but as a sacred ongoing part of life's continuum. Our green burial experience, called “Becoming the Forest,” is designed to work in harmony with the support of death doulas, the embrace of nature, and the strength of community. We invite you to explore death as a mysterious adventure, integral to the very essence of being alive. This encourages a deeper appreciation for the cycle of life and death.

Learn more about how we're bringing this vital aspect of existence back into the heart of community life.

The journey together

  • Community

    We have moved away from collectively honoring the journey and mystery of death. It's time to revisit and embrace these vital traditions as a community, celebrating life's natural cycle together. It's equally essential for you and your support network—loved ones, friends, and family—to be informed about your journey and wishes. Their understanding and support are crucial for honoring your choices and supporting our community after you've passed.

  • Death doulas

    A death doula offers emotional, spiritual, and practical support to individuals and their families during the end-of-life process, ensuring a meaningful and peaceful transition. The sacred role of death doulas is crucial, guiding us through life's ultimate transformation with compassion and wisdom. This work enriches our profound journey, making it a deeply meaningful, conscious and loving experience.

  • Nature

    Nature serves as a profound guide and teacher. The forest teaches us about the intertwined nature of life and death. Fallen leaves decompose to nourish the soil, fostering new growth. These cycles of decay and renewal reminds us that death is not an end but a crucial phase, enabling life to flourish anew. Experiencing this directly in the forest, we embrace the natural rhythm of existence and face our own mortality as an essential part of life.

  • Green Burial

    Green burial is an act of Earth stewardship, allowing our bodies to nourish the soil and support life after death. This natural return enriches ecosystems, and transforms death into a nurturing contribution to the planet's health. It's a choice that ensures our legacy nurtures the environment and fosters life's continuity. We employ creative ceremonies and rituals in nature to render this experience beautifully unique.

your transformation team

  • Bala Yancey






2024 programs and pricing

Pricing is reviewed annually and is subject to change. The total estimated cost for a full body green burial is $13,000, which includes interment rights, all necessary planning and support services. The cost to reserve your space is a down payment of $2,400 and monthly payment starting at $102.67. See the payment options section below for more details.

  • Our budget planning allocates 30% of the burial plot cost ($8,000) to the ongoing maintenance and tending of the nature preserve. This ensures the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the area will remain protected and cared for.

  • This grants the legal rights for a full body green burial, emphasizing an eco-conscious approach to final resting practices. The cost includes securing a designated plot within Just Love Forest, and ensuring the site remains protected to promote natural regeneration.

  • This retreat encourages thoughtful consideration and planning for all aspects of your transformation, including the creation of an advance directive.

  • 20 hours of direct Deat Doula support:

    1. Pre-planning services

    2. Creation of Advanced Directives and the Five Wishes document

    3. Family conversations to articulate and explain burial wishes.

    4. Detailed burial planning.

    5. Encouraging family and friends' involvement in the process.

    6. Opportunities to participate in celebration events while alive.

    7. Initiatives for legacy projects.

    8. Access to grief counseling and support services.

    9. Options for home funerals, basecamp ceremonies, and gravesite ceremonies.

    10. Integration of nature therapy throughout the process.

    11. Opportunities for visits with family and friends at Just Love.

    12. Potential coverage of many costs through life insurance.

  • This comprehensive service includes hand-digging graves and lining them with natural organic materials such as pine straw, flowers, and hay. Our team coordinates and facilitates all aspects of the burial process, liaising with your funeral director or next-of-kin to manage logistical needs for group burials. On the day of the burial, we ensure all attendees' needs are met, oversee the ceremony, and handle the closing of the gravesite. Each grave is meticulously recorded and marked with a survey pin for future reference.

  • Honor your beloved pets with a green burial, designed to respect their memory and the environment. Pricing varies based on your pet’s size, which determines the dimensions of the grave required. This service allows your cherished animals to rest naturally and peacefully.

  • Due to environmental considerations, we can only permit cremated remains in special cases. When permitted, the high salt content requires specific handling with other organic matter:

    Sacred Garden Pathways ($1,850): Your remains will contribute to the creation of sacred garden pathways.

    Mixing with Organic Matter ($2,500): To ensure compatibility with plants and trees, remains must be mixed with organic matter.

    Additionally, an opening and closing fee of $1,000 is applicable.

  • Your burial can be tailored from simple to elaborate, based on our joint planning. Please note this list is not exhaustive and additional costs may apply:

    - Engraving services

    - Biodegradable burial containers

    - Payments for funeral home services and body transportation, which are separate and not covered by Just Love Forest

    - Issuance of death certificates

    - Overnight stays or meals within the forest

    - Flower arrangements beyond the provided organic cushioning materials

    - Printed commemoration materials

PaYMENT options

Just Love Forest Payment Options and Pricing Details

To make the process of securing a burial spot at Just Love Forest straightforward, we offer a clear structure for payments, ensuring transparency and flexibility to suit your financial preferences.

Immediate Payments

1. Down Payment for Cemetery Development and Beautification: $2,400

- This initial down payment is required to reserve your space and contributes directly to the ongoing development and beautification of the cemetery.

Interment Rights

2. The total fees for interment rights are $5,600, with two main options for payment:

Option 1: Pay Upfront

- Enjoy a 10% discount if you pay the full amount upfront, effectively reducing the total cost to $5,040.

Option 2: Flexible Payment Plans

- Monthly Payment Options:

- 3 years: $155.56 per month, totaling $8,000.

- 4 years: $122.50 per month (including a 5% increase), totaling $8,400.

- 5 years: $102.67 per month (including a 10% increase), totaling $8,800.

Deferred Payments

1. Death Retreat

- The cost for the required death retreat is $1,200, which includes a comprehensive planning, preferences, and priorities workshop. This fee is payable when you attend the retreat, which must be within 24 months of making your initial deposit.

2. Death Doula Support and Opening/Closing Fees

- The fees for 20 hours of death doula support and the opening and closing are $2,000 each. These are not required to be paid immediately but will be charged at future dates, adjusted for inflation. Full payment for these services is required before the burial takes place.

This structured payment approach is designed to make it easier for you to manage expenses while ensuring that Just Love Forest can maintain its commitment to providing a serene and dignified resting place. If you have any questions or need further clarification on our payment options, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.

Community Membership and Burial Preferences

- Membership in our community is required for burial. We advocate for full body burial due to environmental reasons, which are discussed during our small group sessions. Cremation may be considered under specific circumstances.

Plot Reservation and Transfer Options

- A deposit of one-third of the total payment is necessary to reserve your burial plot. The balance must be settled within five years, with monthly payments set at $145 based on the 2024 pricing.

- If circumstances change and you decide not to use your burial plot, you can gift it to a family member, provided they visit and experience our land at an event prior to the transfer. Alternatively, plots can be sold back to us, subject to demand and availability.

Limited Availability

- There are only 60 plots available, ensuring a serene and intimate environment.

Work Trade and Payment Flexibility

- We understand the importance of accessibility and are open to work trade and other reciprocal value exchange agreements, especially for those who might find the $2,400 down payment challenging. We strive to accommodate different needs to ensure everyone who wishes can be part of Just Love Forest.

At Just Love Forest, we are dedicated to making the journey towards the end of life as peaceful and dignified as possible. Explore our serene environment, engage with our community, and choose a plan that aligns with your values and circumstances.

Gifted Contributions

We encourage those who are able to extend their support to community members during difficult times. Death often comes unexpectedly, and a contribution from you can provide immediate assistance to maintain our forest. Furthermore, your generosity ensures that in the future, a community member in need will have a serene final resting place in our nature preserve. Your gift not only sustains the environment but also offers peace and dignity to others when it’s most needed.

ways to start your journey

  • Join us at least once for our 'Becoming the Forest' Day Retreat. Spend a day immersed in nature, discovering green burial practices, and connecting with our team. You may decide to come multiple times to deepen your relationship with the land. But attending once is a requirement for burial.

  • Become a steward by contributing your down payment of $2,400 that goes in full to supporting key projects for Bhakti summit meadow, where the green burial cemetery is. This donation initiates your involvement and counts towards burial costs on Bhakti Mountain. Sample projects include:

    - Building Paths ($1,000): Help fund path creation. This includes a volunteer day with equipment rental to improve access and maintenance of our gardens.

    - Native Plant Restoration ($2,000): Contribute to purchasing native trees like Chickasaw plum and service berry, and establishing a muscadine fence and arbor.

    - Controlled Burn ($3,000): Support ecological management that benefits native flora and fauna, helping to control ticks and enhance the habitat for birds, pollinators, wildflowers, and a diverse array of animals and fungi.

  • Attend a retreat around your transition out of this body and create your plan for a peaceful and supported transition.

  • If you’re new to Just Love, make plans to join one of our upcoming events. Continue to be part of our community, attend events, visit the summit, volunteer on various projects and become the forest now, while you are still alive and integrate seamlessly whenever your transition may be.

  • Complete your final payment for burial atop Bhakti mountain along with payment for death doula services. In the event that you pass before death doula services are given to you, these 20 hours will instead be given to supporting the family in this time of loss.

  • After your transition friends and family will have access to Just Love Forest and the cemetery for healing events, access to counseling, and space for grief and healing in nature. We want to support you and your love ones every step of the way and to make sure that you are able to return to the earth in a way that promotes life and this forest.

Questions? Contact us.

Don’t Miss “becoming the forest” Sunday, June 23rd

Learn about the history and steps involved in this sacred journey

History of Green Burial

Learn about the history of green burial, noting that it is a traditional practice that predates modern burial methods, highlighting its resurgence today as an environmentally conscious choice.

Journey of the body

An overview of the natural burial process in Georgia, discussing steps from the moment of death, through body care and preparation without embalming, to legal and logistical aspects of arranging a green burial with the support of a death doula.

Questions about safety

Learn why green burials pose no public health risk and the best practices that make these burials environmentally safe. Biodegradable containers and the absence of embalming contribute to quicker, natural decomposition.

Role of the Death Doula

Hear more about the role of a death doula in supporting individuals and families through the end-of-life process, including facilitating discussions about death, providing emotional and spiritual care, educating on the dying process, assisting with post-death arrangements, and helping memorialize the deceased.

Importance of community

Just Love Forest integrates the concept of community into the green burial process. It emphasizes creating a communal, supportive environment where death is seen not only as a natural part of life, but also as a communal journey, enriched by rituals and guided by death doulas who foster deep connections within the community.