couples in the Forest

Come experience the master teacher of relationships, nature.

We’ll be offering a three part series with couples seeking to deepen the relationship with themselves and their partners by listening and learning through forest therapy experiences.

Part 1: Saturday, May 7th from 10:30am - 6:00pm

  • Introduction to Forest Therapy for couples

  • Meet the group and deep listening session

  • Couples forest therapy intro experience

Part 2: Saturday, June 4th from 10:30am - 6:00pm

  • Solo time in the forest

  • Partner reflections

  • Couples forest therapy partner invitations

Part 3: Saturday, July 16th & Sunday, July 17th

  • Overnight full moon forest therapy experience

  • Commitment and intention ceremony

The Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku, meaning “forest bathing” will reconnect your and your partner’s spirit and boost your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Forest bathing has volumes of studies and science showing how it helps you reconnect through nature, reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

We’ll be offering this donation-based forest therapy experience in partnership with relationship guide Hara Ananda, based in Atlanta. You’ll find the schedule below. Please have each individual RSVP separately below. TWe look forward to seeing you in the forest!

Feel free to email with questions or for more information.


What You may Expect

Hara Add Text Here About Your Perspectives

To show up in intimate and authentic ways with the ones we love requires time, intention, and presence. The time we take to nurture our relationship with ourselves, each other, and the natural world around us brings clarity around our needs, desires, and boundaries. This clarity is the foundation of strong and lasting relationship. This couples forest therapy experience is intended to be that nurturing, intentional time and space. Hara will be offering authentic relating practices and experiences to deepen our time together and assist in integrating what we gather in the forest into our everyday lives.

Hara Ananda is a trauma-informed sound ceremonialist, mentor and healing arts facilitator. They create experiences where people can be vulnerable, curious, seen, heard, and valued. Hara believes growth happens at the edge of our comfort zone within the support of loving community. They implement practices around meditation, embodiment, and authentic relating to co-create safe and vulnerable spaces for this growth.  

Breath and Forest Therapy

We combine breathwork and forest therapy as a beautifully restorative partnership with trees. In the science and studies of health benefits forest therapy, the focus is on phytoncides. These are the organic compounds released naturally by species of trees that fend off microbes, insects and animals. However, when phytoncides are breathed by humans, drastic increases in immunity are observed, leading to better overall health and well-being. Just Love Forest is offering this unique healing experience combining all of these natural elements.

Join us for a full day of enjoying and immersing yourself in part of the 716 acres of Just Love Forest. We work spontaneously in partnership with the forest for each unique journey. There is no right or wrong way to do forest bathing. We are trained to offer “invitations” as instructions to go and experience the forest in unique ways. After 20 minutes or so, we gather to share what we are noticing.


  • 10:30am: Arrive at meeting point

  • 11:00am: Introductions, overview of breath work, forest therapy and history of the land

  • 11:30am: Guided group breathwork experience

  • 1:00pm: Lunch

  • 2:00 Begin with “Pleasures of Presence” invitation and forest therapy invitations from shagbark overlook

  • 5:15pm: Closing circle gathering

  • 6:00pm: Return to parking area and depart

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